Thursday, May 29, 2008


我现在上海阿。I cannot believe that I am in China, ordering dinner and wondering around.
It was very hard to order food in Chinese. I ordered it by using Japanese. haha. I also went to a park called 長風. We take a boat, which has a motor to go around the lake in the park. Our friends of Americans seem to me very excited, and bought a lot of stuff. I think I will be like that if I arrived here for the first time. Maybe, asian and western cultures are quite different. I appreciate my parents that let me attend this program. I think it will be amazing. However, I have to study Chinese more, and prepare for each journey to be satisfied more. I decided to remember each dish in Chinese. Tomorrow will be cumpus tour by teachers.


sandy said...

teach you some basic stuff
you favorite vegi right? But I don't think they have in all restaurant.
You have to gain some weight there ne!!

sandy said...

waiting for you next entry!!