Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Last Week Of March

まぁ、話はかわるけど、中国語のクラスでspicy love soupというかなり臭い映画を観ました。90年代の北京の中学生の恋を描いた甘酸っぱい作品。見たといっても15分くらいなんですけどね(笑)リンク↓
中国語わかる人はみてください。まぁ、かなりout of date ですけどね。まぁ、かなり懐かしい感じで僕は好きですけどね。特に主人公が你喜欢跟我在一起吗?と録音して、他の女の子の声とミックスするところがつぼでした。

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My 20th B-day / launch this blog

Yesterday was my 20th birthday. I had a small gathering in my room. I think it was best Birthday. But I passed out around 1am, a bit early!! I bought good amount of alcohol as you can see!! But, i could only make B-52 and spumoni. Both of them are awesome, but i did not have enough time to make drinks for everyone↓↓Champagne, Moet was tasty. I want to drink again!! We also play majang in the beginning but we just play abit, and quit since ppl start to come. mmm, I feel like I could organize more. I passed out too fast, so i could not take care enough. People said it was fun, so i guess it good enough.